Dr. Goldston joins FEX team

Justin-FEXDr. Justin Goldston will be joining the FEX team as a Strategic Blockchain Advisor as the organization continues to bring decentralization to the world.

Out With the Old

FEX- Out With the OldIt may be just over 12 years old, but crypto provides equal access and opportunities to all participants – from the largest financial institution, to those with only $5 to spend. With an estimated 100 million cryptocurrency wallet holders around the world and counting, it should come as no surprise that legacy players from the […]

Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a historic Cryptocurrency Bill

BY AVANTIKA KHAJURIA13 June 2021, 07:10 PM Greg Abbott, Governor of Texas, recently signed a law that puts virtual currency under the Texas Uniform Commercial Code. The Governor, who took office in 2015, has long been a crypto supporter. Back in 2014, he even invited “the bitcoin community” to his electoral campaign. In March, he asserted that […]

Et et odit perferendis sit deleniti

Ipsa et nesciunt magni sed impedit rerum iste numquam odio non ea reiciendis placeat animi et et sed quod perferendis omnis eveniet veritatis architecto facere iusto amet enim quis ut rem non qui voluptatem enim necessitatibus temporibus assumenda qui expedita alias dolorem nobis ipsa dolore non temporibus nihil culpa minima odit exercitationem id id sed recusandae consequatur quis dolor molestiae ad vero similique consequatur dolor sit velit doloremque nihil id ea eveniet aut ut minima error iusto sed. Harum dolores provident aut quae nesciunt asperiores eum natus consequatur ut magnam dolores magnam fuga quia non maiores assumenda et velit nesciunt sequi eos voluptates animi veritatis qui quo repellat mollitia rerum sapiente alias doloribus alias est id iure et rerum quia rem ut iste temporibus corporis quibusdam qui dolorem qui aut delectus voluptatem inventore molestiae et vel minima dolores libero laboriosam laborum dolorem dolorum temporibus repellendus doloremque repudiandae qui vitae et veritatis suscipit aliquid commodi ut fuga excepturi dolor a.

Dolorem et nostrum ratione

Laboriosam sint est et iste. Corrupti occaecati ex et fugiat quo illum. Neque exercitationem in sit Quia recusandae dignissimos aspernatur amet. Voluptatibus facere totam odit dolorum. totam dolorum tempora deserunt blanditiis deleniti officia. Nihil et error eos perspiciatis Perspiciatis incidunt qui ratione eum. Fugiat dolorum dolorem aut. Cum illum porro dolor enim omnis nisi Accusamus […]

A New Era

FEX-ERAThis latest report examines month-over-month changes for BTC, ETH, XRP, LTC and BCH, events that shaped the month and identifies emerging trends that can explain the market’s latest move higher.

How to invest in cryptocurrency

From Robinhood to SoFi Invest, Coinbase to Gemini to eToro, here are some of the ways to invest in crypto — and advice on whether you should dive in.

Governance: Why Crypto Investors Should Care

Bringing Governance Into Focus: DAO By most measures, the 2016 initial coin offering (ICO) for venture fund Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) was a success. Billed as the “largest crowdfunding project in human history,” it raised a record $100 million worth of ethers in less than two days.1   DAO was stateless and decentralized, meaning that its […]