Exchange crypto in Qadirah: A walkthrough on how you can exchange one asset for another using FEX on your computer or mobile device!

How much can I exchange?

Inside of the in-built exchange of your Qadirah wallet you can choose between a lot of assets to exchange, however it is good to know there is a minimum amount you can exchange and a maximum amount you can exchange.

Our exchange API providers set floating minimums and maximums on their orders so that they can be sure all customers will be able to make their exchanges.

The exchange limits are set according to several factors such as the liquidity of the pair of assets you want to exchange as well as their profitability and market conditions.

Don’t worry, you can still exchange your large holdings of assets, but you’ll have to do it in chunks as there is no limit on the number of times you can exchange so you can do several max exchanges.

For minimum exchanges, you can look for an alternative platform that has a lower minimum so that you can exchange your assets!

How much can I exchange?

Inside of the in-built exchange of your Qadirah wallet you can choose between a lot of assets to exchange, however it is good to know there is a minimum amount you can exchange and a maximum amount you can exchange.

Our exchange API providers set floating minimums and maximums on their orders so that they can be sure all customers will be able to make their exchanges.

The exchange limits are set according to several factors such as the liquidity of the pair of assets you want to exchange as well as their profitability and market conditions.

Don’t worry, you can still exchange your large holdings of assets, but you’ll have to do it in chunks as there is no limit on the number of times you can exchange so you can do several max exchanges.

For minimum exchanges, you can look for an alternative platform that has a lower minimum so that you can exchange your assets!