Network or connection issues troubleshooting guide

Trouble refreshing the wallet? Does Exodus say it cannot connect to the internet? Cannot send your funds out? This guide is for you!

This guide will help troubleshoot network or connection issues on your devices.

In this article:

  • What are the common network issues?
  • How do I troubleshoot my network?
    • DNS troubleshooting steps
    • Extra steps for Windows users

What are the common network issues?

For each asset, your balance and history of transactions are recorded on a blockchain, which is like a giant database that keeps track of all transactions and balances. In order to send funds, Exodus communicates with the blockchain network, and the blockchain is updated to include your transaction.

When Exodus is having trouble connecting to the blockchain networks, you may see incorrect balances and missing transactions, and Exodus may be unable to send funds. Your funds are safe, it’s just that Exodus is unable to retrieve the most up-to-date information from the blockchain network due to a connection issue.

A network or connection issue can be due to multiple reasons and hence, there are various steps involved in identifying and fixing them. It is difficult to point out the exact reason without doing multiple tests – please troubleshoot them one by one as listed below.

How do I troubleshoot my network?

Before you start troubleshooting the network, please always ensure you are using the latest version of Exodus. You can find a guide on how to update Exodus here: How do I update Exodus?

Make sure you have written down the 12-word secret recovery phrase on a piece of paper. If you lose the secret recovery phrase, your funds will be lost forever and it will be impossible to recover your wallet.

Please try the following steps to troubleshoot your network connection:

Restart your computer and internet connection/modem. This will give Exodus a fresh slate to connect from.

Do you have a different internet connection you could try connecting to? Creating a hotspot with your phone is an easy way to try a different internet connection.

There are a few more things to keep in mind:

If you're using a corporate or public internet connection, these networks sometimes block the ports that Exodus uses to connect to the blockchain.

Antivirus software, VPNs, firewalls or system security and firewall settings will sometimes block Exodus from connecting correctly. Please check if any of the security apps are blocking connections To and From Exodus. Different apps have different ways to whitelist an app, please refer to the manual for clear instructions.

If you use a VPN, it is worth trying to connect without one or adjusting the settings to get a better connection.

If you're using a company computer, there could be restrictions in place that would prevent Exodus from connecting, so make sure to only use Exodus on a device you have full control over.

DNS troubleshooting steps

Flush your DNS. DNS is a service which resolves the IP addresses of any domain name you are trying to visit. If the DNS is not up-to-date it can cause errors. Reboot the computer and internet modem/router before you try connecting again. Here are some helpful guides on how to flush your DNS on your device:

Use another DNS server. Try setting your DNS to or Here are some helpful guides on changing your DNS server on your device:

Extra steps for Windows users

If all of the above steps do not fix the problem, it is possible that your Windows Network Stack is corrupt causing these issues. Here is the official guide on how to troubleshoot a corrupt Windows Network Stack

Exodus is not affiliated with any third-party platforms, external links, or any other third-party resources mentioned in this article. As such, Exodus cannot guarantee the performance of third-party products or services, or that the steps shown and the information provided will always be accurate.

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